StratRocket MVP
Standout features
- Leadership can effectively communicate current priorities throughout the org
- Staff can suggest strategic initiatives to creatively deliver those priorities
- Suggested initiatives get an AI generated initiative blueprint and alignment scores to current priorities and guiding principles of the firm
- Suggestion leaderboards let all staff review, rank and comment on initiatives
- Suggestion creators can improve their suggestion based on score and feedback
- Managers select leading strategy initiatives for planning and execution
- At that stage, managers are provided with AI generated success factors, risk factors and task listing to facilitate planning, budgeting, resourcing, etc
- Managers kick off execution phase finalizing tasks and assigning tasks to staff
Last update March 21
Company on-boarding
- New customers use a Stripe payment link with seat licenses
- Upon submitting the Stripe payment link
- The company is provisioned
- Seat licenses are generated
- This user gets the admin role, a license is allocated to them and a sign-up completion email is sent
- Once admin signs in
- They add company guiding principles
- They invite staff and assign necessary roles. This allocates a seat license to each and a sign-up completion email is sent
- The sign-up completion email contains a link to add name and password
- All users with valid seat license can sign-in
Usage summary
- Goal setting (leadership)
- Define the goal title and description
- Quantify ROI
- Specify key metrics and timeline
- Set priorities for the company
- Ideation (all users)
- Sign-in and review guiding principles
- Switch to leaderboards to rate and comment on suggested initiatives
- Suggest new initiatives for consideration. Suggestions receive an AI generated initiative overview and alignment score
- Suggestion creators can improve their suggestion based on ratings, comments, alignment score and leaderboard position
- Planning (managers)
- Review suggested initiatives and promote some for consideration
- Initiatives under consideration receive AI generated success factors, risk factors and task listing to facilitate the planning process
- Review initiatives under consideration and select initiative for execution
- Execution (managers and project managers)
- Review and finalize task list
- Assign tasks to workers and assign due dates (Workers have “my tasks” listing)